Subject: Gaia Education Grant Application
Gaia Education Grant Application
c/o May East, Programme Driector
Findhorn Foundation
The Park Forres, Scotland IV36 3TZ
Clifton Community Council, Inc.
2337 Frankfort Avenue, Box 333
Louisville, KY 40206-2467
2) Federal Tax Number: ( Excised at the request of Clifton Community Council 9-19-08 ) – 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
Purpose of Grant: To provide grassroots sustainability education and seek LEED Neighborhood Development Certification.
Budget: Materials - $300.00 U.S.; Food/Facilitation/Documentation - $1,000.00 U.S. est. and to be raised from private sources. Total - $1,300.00 U.S.
Amount Requested: $300.00 U.S.
Other Sources of Funding: Dedicated donations and in-in kind contributions.
The Council, and other interested parties, will attempt to move project forward if funds are not awarded.
Clifton neighborhood is an urban neighborhood with a diverse income and ethnic composition of 4,000 residents and over 70 businesses. Clifton has one of the largest populations of persons with blindness in the United States. Issues of sustainability have long been of concern to the Council.
1. Clifton Neighborhood
2. Clifton’s boundaries are Brownsboro Road (N), Ewing Avenue (E), I-64 (S), and Melwood Avenue (W), consisting of 414.83 acres.
3. John Baker
5. 502.893.0477
7. The neighborhood council was incorporated in 1980. The Clifton neighborhood was settled beginning in the 1830's.
8. The Council has 200 members and a core volunteer pool of 90.
9. English, Spanish
10. The 1990 Clifton Neighborhood Plan - “Vision Statement: Clifton is a traditional neighborhood with a unique natural environment and history. The neighborhood cares about furthering sustainable economic development and viability. Underlying this vision are the values of fairness, compassion, respect, and personal responsibility. In developing this plan, the purpose is to address concerns and issues on: historic preservation, affordable housing, environmental integrity, development of social capital, public transportation, and pedestrian and bicycle amenities in a neighborhood that is safe, diverse, welcoming, and attractive.”
1. 11/13/07 – on-going.
2. Sustainability Literacy: Through a series of educational forum and neighborhood meetings, the Gaia concepts will be introduced and four working groups established. The working groups would each focus on the core curriculum (World View, Economic, Social, and Ecological) and how each area can be applied to the Clifton Neighborhood. The work groups would consist of neighborhood residents and broad community institutional representation. Work group finding and learning would be incorporated into a neighborhood sustainability curriculum with small classes organized (10-12 participants) under the auspicious of the Clifton Community Council and conducted at neighborhood churches, community centers, and other venues convenient to all residents.
3. EDE course schedule: First presentation on 11/13/07 at the Quarterly Membership meeting of the Clifton Community Council. Future sessions TBA.
4. Materials to be developed using the core Gaia Education curriculum. The Adena Institute and Webster University are partnering organizations.
5. David Silverman, as project coordinator and founder of the Adena Institute, has over twenty-five years experience in the field of sustainability.
6. Sustainability “infrastructure”/resources available: In the neighborhood, existing facilities will be used to demonstrate particular technologies and practices, well as neighborhood ecology integration: composting, green lawns, vegetable oil fuel processing, diesel conversion, solar construction, design for disability, permaculture and forest garden agriculture, edible neighborhood and schoolyard gardens, neighborhood parks and open spaces, car-free neighborhood accessibility, rail and bicycle alternatives, community arts and culture collaboratives, neighborhood governance meetings, farmers markets, storm water retention, pottery manufacturing, neighborhood building preservation for sustainability, and etc. will be available.
7. Students: 10 to 50 students can be accommodated.
8. Accommodations: Available house shares and hostel for visiting students initially.
9. Food: Diverse neighborhood, including vegetarian, restaurants.
10. Money and Access: No charge will be made for course.
11. Meeting and Study Space: The Clifton neighborhood has a wide variety of available meeting space, including computer and Internet access.
12. Other opportunities for learning: Nearby classrooms at Webster University and other venues will be available for seminars. Faculty and students from area institutions will work with the Living and learning Network, including with Berea College, Webster University, Adena Institute, University of Louisville, Spalding University, Jefferson County Schools, and others. Regional ecovillage and sustainable communities leaders and educators will be invited to facilitate learning in Clifton and with field visits to their home communities at Imago in Cincinnati, OH, Berea Ecovillage in Berea, Kentucky, Oberlin Green Campus in OH, The Farm, in Summertown TN, Earhthaven in TN, the Lexington Sustainable Communities Network and others.
13. Resources in the surrounding area: Resources in the surrounding area include a variety of close community organizations business and agencies which are invited to participate in and contribute to the Living and Learning Network : Community Farm Alliance, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky School for the Blind, Faith and Justice, Just Creations, Heine Brothers Coffee, Sustainable Agriculture Louisville, Sustainable Louisville, Kaviar Forge, Food Literacy Project, Preservation Alliance, Sustainable Business Networks, Environmental Educators Association, Sustainability Forum, US Green Building Council, Urban Design Center, and others.
1. Health Facilities: Numerous available locally.
2. Healthy and safe physical environment: Yes.
3. Liability Insurance: N/A to clifton Community Council, but most facilities are covered.
1. Equal employment and educational opportunities: Yes to all.
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